The Blue Wave? Let's Be Serious.

I remember being absolutely stunned on that day in November when Donald Trump won the presidential election. It had never occurred to me that he even had a chance of winning. All of the polls said this was so.

That was the day when I realized that America was full of liars. That people had been ashamed to vote for Donald Trump, so when asked by the pollsters who they planned to vote for? They lied.

Fooled once. Not again. I am not one of those people who are going around saying that I think a blue wave is coming next week for midterms. Number one, I live in a red state. There is no way that Don Bacon is going anywhere. My city may go to Kara Eastman, but all those farmers in those small towns that make up my state? They are having a big pile of Bacon for breakfast on election day.

I have realized something very troubling in the last two years. Most people are uneducated. I can't tell you how many people have proudly proclaimed to me that the only news allowed in their homes is Fox News. And this is said with great pride. As if it is something to be proud of to have myopic vision.

I don't really get it. I watch a lot of CNN, but I also watch Fox News. I watch everything. All sides of the argument. I want to have a well rounded view. Or as T says, "It is good to know what the enemy is up to." At any rate, I would feel like a pure idiot if I strutted around proclaiming that I only watched CNN.

I know a lot of Democrats. The majority of them watch many news sources. Every single Republican that I know has told me that they only watch Fox News. There is something wrong with this picture. You cannot get a true picture, if you insist on only hearing one side of the story. It fosters ignorance. And seriously, what are you so afraid of?

My next door neighbor is the nicest man. We watch Husker games together on television. Have grill outs in the Summer. When either one of us goes on vacation, we house sit. Yet, this is the same man who steals into our yard late at night to yank our Democrat supporting signs out of our yard.

I would have never guessed it was him. His yard is full of Republican signs, but I would never have thought it okay to steal those signs. There is this crazy thing called free speech. And I would have never known it was him except that I was up in pain one night and happened to be gazing out our bedroom window at the moon and saw him creeping across our yard under the light of it. I still haven't confronted him but as soon as my replacement signs arrive, I plan to tape a little note on the back of them letting him know that I'm on to him.

People surprise you.

I see a change in our country and find it unsettling. The haters are feeling their oats. Becoming bolder. Attacking. Even if you are a red supporter, you have to see this. And there is always an excuse.

I'm pro-life. I couldn't vote for her. 

I'm worried about our borders. 

I think Republicans manage money better than Democrats. Democrats just want to give it away. 

I understand. Being pro-life makes it difficult to vote blue. But, this is a case of seeing the forest instead of the tree.

Our borders are not suddenly being stampeded. Do. Your. Due. Diligence. That can also be called research. Check numbers. Seriously. Check those numbers. Our borders are not being attacked. Donald Trump wants you to believe that they are. Are you really THAT gullible that you cannot do simple research?

And check your medicare. It is being robbed. Under. Republican. Majority. That is another easy bit of research. So are armed services. We have tariffs in place now that are taking money from your soybean crop. This is all easy research.

But, are you so lazy that you would rather just open your mouth wide for Trump pablum? Show a little courage. Use the smarts of your ancestors. Check facts. It takes less time than you think.

Or just think about me. I have been married since 2013. To a woman. We have been together for over three decades. Yet, Brittany Spears had more rights than I did for many years. After years of fighting, we finally attained our rights. Now, do some intelligent research. Trump is working hard to dismantle those rights. Who the FUCK are you to say that your marriage is better than mine? Are you kidding me? Who exactly do you think you are? Does arrogance taste that good in your mouth?

 I wish that I could reach everyone, but I can't. And I am not stupid. There are too many who just vote without doing research, or worse, don't vote at all.

And all the pollsters in the world can say that a blue wave is coming. I don't buy it. There are too many of you who are secret Trumpers. What does that say about you? You have to HIDE your vote? Must be a real stellar fellow.

Do. Your. Research.

It's our last hope. 


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