Sing to me in that offkey voice

I think that maybe I can get through anything if you are here, next to me. 

Funny conversations get us through. 

Me: Maybe the next time my oncologist offers me anti-depressants, I should just take them. 
T: Or, you could just give them to me. I'll take them. 
Me: (concerned) Seriously? Do you think you'd like to see a professional?
T:  (completely straight faced) Like for what? Clown school? I've always wanted to go to clown school. I think I would be a very good clown. 
Me: Be serious! Do you need to see a counselor? 
T: Are you suggesting that I need weight watchers? How rude! 
T: (sighing) No. Not unless they can make you be here with me for another twenty or thirty years. Make that twenty. I think you at 90 would be too much for most humans to deal with. You'd be one of those old ladies in a nursing home who throws bowls of oatmeal at people. 
Me: I would not! Well, okay. Just idiot Republicans. I wish you would be serious. Do you think you need to see a psychiatrist? 
T: Naw. They'd just admit me to a facility. And then we'd be up shit creek. You NEED me to tie your shoes, babycakes. And I make the best grilled cheese sandwiches. I think I need to stay on. 
ME: I'm not going to get a serious answer, am I? 
T: I AM serious. Seriously in love with you. Let's watch Game of Thrones and zen out. We are so good at zenning out. 

This is where I give in. And we did. Watch Game of Thrones. And then went to bed. 

I dreamed that I was in a house with a group of my male peers from high school. Except that I was my age now and they were still 17. I thought how unfair that was. Why did I have to be old and they got to stay young? I woke up with T hugging me. 

"Bad dream again?"

I told her it. She didn't comment, just held me and then she very softly yodeled in my ear. I had to laugh. 

How did I manage to marry someone who always knows EXACTLY what to say and do? 

Today is a new day. My lab results weren't great. But, so the fuck what? 

I have this. I have her. 

How many people get THAT? 



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