Just Do It

I'm weary of it, too, you know.

This sad world that is suddenly ours. But, after that, we differ. I don't see this as something that I need to ignore or just dream away.

This is serious. And this will one day be history. We are living in one of those times in history that will ACTUALLY make history. Where people will look at the past and where people stood. Or didn't. We are living with a president who actually took children away from their parents because they tried to cross our border illegally.

You can argue until your nose falls off that these people should not be here and I could argue back until my nose, in turn, falls off, that the majority of these people came because their lives were so horrific that a change HAD to be made, but the simple truth is that

CHILDREN were taken away from their parents.

This is never right. And somewhere inside yourself you know this is true. Or, if you are one of those truly pathetic people who think this is okay, just leave this page right now. I don't want your creepiness anywhere near my words.

I read a lot of articles regaling us with how "easy" these kids have it, how it is like they are living in mini spas compared to what their life is, in general.

Really? You don't think they notice that their PARENTS are gone? Are you truly that obtuse? 

Our president is a fear mongering monster who lies on a daily basis. He is a proven liar. And do not use the word "fake news" to me until you have done your due diligence and done some research on his words. It is simple. It isn't hard to do. You simply look up what he has said and then look up the facts. If they match, he is telling the truth. If they do not, he is lying. If you are too lazy or too scared to do this, let me tell you that I have done it for you. He is lying. A lot, dudes.

And do not waste my time by saying pithy idiocies like, "I don't like the negativity." You CAN say that if you are not a Republican. If you say this and you are a Republican, you are a hypocrite because you are a supporter of a man who commonly uses negativity as a weapon. You can't have it both ways. You can't be a pacifist AND support a man who bandies about name calling as second nature.

I'm not saying that we should all go out and be violent. I am saying that the world needs good people to stand up to bad leaders in order to elicit change. Non violent protest is a good way to do this. Show up. Just fucking show up. Carry a sign. Write a blog.

I was going to say "start a dialogue" but I think the time for that is over. I don't think we are capable of listening to each other. I say this with honesty and sadness. I honestly do not think I could stand to listen to someone tell me that they think it is okay to separate a child from his or her parent to "teach them a lesson." Cruelty does not teach anyone anything. So, if you believe that, you are so steeped in cruelty that you are lost to me.

If you can't speak out about it, join us, well....that is your right as an American. But, it is your loss. And with it you forfeit your right to say that you were on the right side of history. You weren't on ANY side of history. You were a fence sitter. And your cowardice just made it that much harder for the rest of us.

There are few times in history where we have the chance to make a real difference. And, unfortunately, it will cost you something.

What? You don't think EVERY single man who signed the Declaration of Independence knew that? If their sacrifices, their bravery, their sticking their necks out didn't work? Their whole families would have suffered for treason against the King of England. It doesn't get much worse than that.

So, do something. Write a letter. If you can't do anything else, write a letter. Vote.

If it makes you feel better, pray and have good thoughts, but....really? A sign works better. Why don't you do all of the above?

And for GOD SAKES, educate yourself. If you just watch Fox News, you will miss out on the chance to see all there is out there. And believe me, there is so much more than Fox News is telling you. All you have to do is dare to take a chance. Dare to follow the facts. Practice due diligence.

Never mind. Nothing I say will change you. Just be who you are. Just do us a favor? Don't make it worse for those of us who are out there in the thick of it.

I also heard someone say that they didn't want to be political because they'd rather enjoy their life. Trust me. You can do both. I am. And my good times are made better because I am proud of myself.

Don't do what Melania Trump says. Don't BE BEST. In the first place, that is poor English and you are smarter than that.


Just try. One foot. One letter. One day where you don't sit and listen to lies and swallow.

And look around. There are so many of us with you. Right here. Lookee there. 



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